Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shearer Sisterhood

To journal the lives of the sisters Shearer, we have created a new blog.  Check out Tatum and Hazel's life adventure tales at

Big Sister Tatum

We'll it's official, Tatum is a big sister to one beautiful Hazel Rae.  After months of prepping her for the big day, and reading big sister books over the last few weeks, Tatum's destiny was filled on January 20th.  Lala came out a few days before the birth to help learn our LA life before taking over Tatum duty for the three days Andrew and I were in the hospital.  We could not have made this transition without her.  We are back home now, settling into life, and introducing a new blog to follow the lives of both our girls Shearer Sisterhood.  Let the journey begin!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

This is a collection of our sleeping beauty series of Tatum.  Since moving into our new house Tatum has really enjoyed the space and freedom of her own room.  As a result, naps are usually delayed by an extending period of play.  Here is a photo of Tatum taken Christmas day.  When we went o wake her, this is how we found her: tucked in bed with her new doll in the doll bed with all the doll's snacks and sippy cup. Tatum too stored her own sippy cup in the doll's crib.

Can you even see our cute bookworm buried in this picture?  This day really tripped us out because Tatum is actually sitting on a pile of books with her head laid down on Big Bear sleeping contently with her fave pink blankie.  

This final picture of our sleeping beauty is cute for no other reason than Tatum brought Big Bear into her bed for her sleeping snuggle.  This is the first time we had seen this and thought it was too cute to not document.

And now a funny sleeping story.   Tatum takes after her me and flips circles in the bed as she sleeps.   Nine times out of ten when we check on her before we go to bed, she is sleeping on her knees in the fetal position belly down a top her blankie.  Often we have to pick her up from the bottom/side/middle of the bed and place her head back on top and cover her with blankets.  The other week we woke to Tatum crying loudly in the middle of the night.  When I went to her room I found that she had fallen out of bed.  I picked her up, put her back in bed, and cuddled with her for a few minutes.  She then turned to me and said in her typical bossy tone "Go to your own bed momma."  As much as I love that she needs me in the middle of the night, I love that she needs me to leave too.  In the morning I asked Tatum, "How did you fall out of the bed?"    She replied, "Brobee did it.  Brobee pushed me."  For those not with kids under the age of 5 and tuned into Nick Junior, Brobee is one of five character from the pre-school show Yo Gabba Gabba.