Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Visit from Mimi and Boo!

Tatum met her Grandpa Boo for the first time when the Shearer Grandparents came to visit July 18th through the 21st. During this time we took lots of walks around the neighborhood, visited the Body Works III exhibit at the California Science Center, and went to the Santa Monica Pier where we had lunch. It was lots of fun.

Are these my hands?

Yes they are! Delight in these images detailing Tatum's discovery of her hands...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

That's My Doula

As many of you know, we choose to have a doula present for our birth of Tatum Bell. On July 15th, Catherine came by for her last visit to check on the Shearer family. For those who are curious, doula is a Greek word used to mean birth attendant.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'll sleep anywhere!

She's destined to swim

On July 12th the Shearer family visited our California foster family the Futterman's in Palm Springs. After a fun night of visiting, Tatum and Meg woke up early to swim in the pool. Thanks to LaLa ,Tatum had a suit for the occasion. Given the long ancestral line of swimmers in the family, she took to the water like a fish - or rather a turtle.

Houston - we have smiles....

oh yes - at about five weeks of age Tatum began to dazzle the world around her with her first smile. now at eight weeks she is willing to share smiles with anyone as long as she is well fed and well rested. Anderew's new past time with his daughter is to volley back and forth exchanging smiles and sticking out tounges. There's nothing like seeing the real deal, but these pics capture the fun....

Thursday, July 10, 2008

7 Weeks and Growing!

On Tuesday July 8th Tatum celebrated her 7 weeks of life with a visit to the doctor for immunizations. Andrew and I promised our little girl that her future birthday celebrations won't all end up with needles poked in her thighs. To our surprise we found our our little girl was not so little - she's gained almost 5 lbs. since birth and now weighs 12 lbs. 8 oz. and measures 22.5 inches. As my sister Jen would say - my milk is whole milk, no reduce fat or skim milk here!

Introducing Tatum Bell's Blog

Welcome to Tatum Bell's Blog!

Here you will find pictures and posts on the daily (or weekly, or monthly depending on Mom's availability) life of Tatum. We are excited to have discovered this simple way of keeping our friends and family updated on our California living. Please feel welcome to leave comments and suggestions.

Happy viewing!