Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Expecting Good News...

Our trip home in May resulted in more surprises than we could have ever asked for - on Tatum's birthday we found out that we were going to give her the best present of all, a new sibling!  That is right, we are pregnant and expecting our second child in January 2011.

So Tatum was our Belly Bean, and this new little life's in utero name is Tummy Nut.  We are parents who plan, so we expect to find out if Tummy Nut is a boy or girl in the next few months. We also expect to find out if it is a singleton or twin in two weeks... but we're just going to assume now there is only one.    In the mean time, I thought it would be fun to post a poll on Tatum's new sibling... brother or sister? 

Tatum has already taken to the idea of momma having a baby.  She knows the babe is in my tummy, growing every day.  At night sometimes she will lean over, pull up my shirt and kiss my belly saying "hi brother" - so yes, Tatum is thinking it's a boy; but we think sister is just too hard to say.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Preschool Adventures

Tatum turning two has brought many changes, and the biggest of all is her enrollment in preschool.  Tatum has been in a home day care since she was 3 months old, cared and loved for by the wonderful Salazar family.  We have greatly appreciated the security the Salazar family provided Tatum, but our social butterfly needed to spread her wings and fly into a new social situation. 

After searching for a few months, I finally looked to our neighboring city of Glendale and found Glendale Preschool and Kindergarten.  We scheduled a visit and were instantly on-board for enrollment.  They provide Tatum snacks in the morning and afternoon, a hot lunch every day, and a two hour nap.  Kids mostly play in their outdoor space, but also spend scheduled time inside reading, playing, and creating art.   The website posts all the information, so interested grandparents, I encourage you to visit the link.  Then you can know what Tatum is having for lunch everyday!

Tatum has her own cubbie, were kids store their backpacks.  Granted, the backpacks are mostly empty tokens of maturity; used for transporting a change of clothes, snacks, and an occasional piece of art.  But girl was I excited to purchase a backpack for Tatum.  "Back Pack" - she loves the gesture of wearing in the morning and returning with it at the end of day. 

She has done an excellent job in the transition.  Her teachers, Ms. Ingrid, Ms. Wendy, and Ms. Allison love her and said she is "just super easy.  easy to sleep, easy to eat, easy to play."   That's our girl!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Two Cool

Tatum celebrated her 2nd birthday in Princess Style!