Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Magic Formula

Breastfed Babe + Working Mom = Pumping

Formula Fed Babe + Working Mom = No Pumping
So what's your magic formula? I'll tell you mine, but you'll have to keep reading. For the past six months I've maintained a solid pumping schedule at work resulting in three pumps a day to produce the 12 ounces of milk Tatum needs while I am away. It's a pain in the ass and it's THE only issue I have with mothering. Last week the pumping reached a new level of discomfort that resulted in piercing pain and bleeding. Luckily, this occurred on a Thursday and I had the weekend to recover without the use of the breast pump. Fortunately the body heals, but I made the decision to wean my breast off the pump - engorgement and milk supply being the two main issues. As much as I am 100% for stopping pumping, I am 100% wanting to continue breastfeeding.

So my magic formula is a bit of both. I've reduced pumping to once per day while at work and I feed Tatum in the morning and at night. To maintain this, she's taking formula twice a day, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. This past weekend Tatum had her first bottle of formula while being with me. It was so easy and so convenient and she thought it was oh so good. The girl seems not to care where the milk is coming from as long as it's coming. Therefore the real issue is weaning myself off of Tatum; but not just yet.

Ten Months and Still Toothless

It's darling that Tatum's maintains her toothless grin at ten months. A mother at Tatum's day care told me a few months ago (when I was convinced Tatum was teething) that she saw the appearances of teeth in her daughter's mouth as bittersweet - bitter that her smile changed and sweet that a new tooth appeared. Her advice was to enjoy the toothless grin while it lasts, at it's lasted us. I can now say with conviction that a tooth is coming in: the upper left tooth is pushing through and may break any day. So long toothless McGee, hello one tooth wonder.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

She stole my heart and then my curls

When I was pregnant with Tatum, and even before, folks would always say to Andrew and I, "Your kids are going to have the curliest hair." We would jokingly reply saying "Even if our kids have straight hair, we'll still love them." Now the joke is on me.

It's obvious that a baby steals the heart of their mother; but what's not so obvious, that is until now, is that my baby also stole my curls - my curly hair that is. Now Tatum's innocence is the same as all fresh souls on this earth and I'm not putting blame on her; rather I am pointing my finger to the mysterious hormones of post pregnancy. Little by little, day by day, my curls have gone away, slipping into a straight doo. This past weekend while sitting in the stylist's chair I came to the realization that it isn't because I haven't showered, it isn't because I wear my hair pulled back, it's because my hair has changed. With the birth of my daughter came the death of my curls. Now I have nothing against straight hair except that I haven't had any myself since my prepubescent years of late. And now, twenty years later, motherhood has left its mark on my head of all places.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hiking Buddies

Max the softest dog in the world is Tatum's newest, favorite hiking buddy.
Max proudly belongs to our LA buddies the Cohens.
And that's Eagle Rock behind these two, how our neighborhood got it's name.

New Tub Fun

During recent baths, Tatum's squirming in the tub led me to purchase a bath mat for the tub. So out with the old blue and in with the sticky pad white.

At first she was a bit confused by the new found space in the tub; but now she enjoys the expanded play area. Splish splash away.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Slipping into a New Sleep Pattern

With the helpful spring forward of relative time Tatum's new sleep pattern is from 7pm until 7am. For months now Tatum is a ticking time bomb at the five o'clock hour as we swiftly move through the evening routine of dinner, bath, changing, feeding, and down for the night at 6pm. We've adored the evening time Tatum has given us to cook dinner, wash bottles, catch the news and prepare for tomorrow. But nevertheless, how we would love for her to shift one hour in her schedule so we could enjoy a dinner out and sleep in an extra hour. So Andrew and I eagerly awaited the shifting of spring that comes with day light savings. The night magically lost an hour and Tatum magically slept in till 7:00. Today is the third day of the new 7 to 7 schedule, and so far so good.

And for all those mommas out there, no - Tatum does not sleep through the night. As easily as she wakes up for a feeding or two in the night, she easily goes back down. So my nights are peaceful, but do not contain continuous sleep. It works well for me and our family.

Stand Up and Take a Bow

Tatum brought in March with strength and determination as she pulled herself to standing. For a while now we'll prop her against the bed or sofa and let her build leg strength; but a few Sundays ago I went into the bedroom to get Tatum from her nap and she was STANDING waiting and ready for me. The crib has come down to the lowest level as Tatum reaches for new heights.

Pulling herself up and standing opens a new world for her. We dusted off Drew and Ethan's (Tatum's twin cousins) old activity center and brought it into the living room where Tatum can take center stage in her own world of fun. This weekend as she was playing at the table she was cracking up, having a ball.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Now on the Big (Little) Screen: Tatum at the Birthday Cabin

You can watch the video here, but the quality is poor (according to Andrew). It's much better to see (and larger on screen) if you click on the link below - it may take a minute or so before it plays.

This amazing short film is 3 1/2 minutes of thrill seeking adventure. Grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage and Enjoy!