Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Update from the front lines: Camera down

In case you thought perhaps the recent fires of LA burnt through our electrical connection leaving us without internet access to update the blog; no, the camera is bust. We traveled far and wide to North Carolina this summer and locally to the beaches and parks of LA, but have little to show other than our ticket stubs and gas receipts. We do have some movie footage, but expect that another time. In an effort to not disappoint by continuing to let the blog go untouched, I thought I'd take a little time from work to let you know we are still here. There's just no photos to show it.

Quickly, because I am at work, here are some recent fun Tatum times:

"Hi" - now think of a the highest, sweetest voice saying that word and you've just heard (in your head) Tatum saying "Hi". She now enjoys waking up and saying "Hi", walking into the room and saying "Hi" and meeting folks on the street and saying "Hi".

The kitchen sink as the new tasting room: the other day Tatum really wanted to be apart of dinner making, saying "up" as she held up her arms while standing at my feet. i lifted her up, and then into the kitchen sink where she played with tupperware and asked for food samples. She asked for the onion, and being a true believer of discovery, i gave her a thick slice. she bit in and said "mmm" - yeah, she's got crazy taste buds.

We installed a slide in the back yard. The slide is the last piece of play land. She loves to crawl up the slide (with adult help of course) and come, well of course, sliding down. I found the slide for $8 off of Craig's List, sawed off the legs, and installed it on the second terrace so she can slide down to the first. It's awesome.

ONE NAP - that's right. I should set aside an entire post on the sleep transitions, but most likely I won't.

Tatum Trauma to Momma - Tatum likes to fall. Know when I say fall this is a typical Tatum dance at night time where she likes to stand up, or sit up on the bed, and fall over backwards. She thinks it's hilarious and it started around 8 months. We too think its hilarious, as does any witness to the performance, but if you don't move fast enough, she may land on your face, which is what happened to me. Last Thursday when putting Tatum down she fell onto my face and busted my bottom lip a bit. On Friday night she fell again on my face and busted my nose. So, yes, I've learned my lesson, or position rather, so I think.

Okay, back to work.