Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Homeward Bound

This year for Tatum's second birthday we decided to spend it in North Carolina with our family.  Since Tatum was turning two, she had her own seat of the plane.  YAHOO!  For us parents if felt like we were rolling in first class.
We spent the first weekend at my sister's new home in Davidson.  Did you know that snuggies are great for creating magic carpet rides?  Well, there is no photo to prove it, but these cousins had a ball of a time together.
We then traveled to the coast of NC where my folks rented a house on the beach of Oak Island.  We choose Oak Island because it is near Southport where Mimi and Boo live on their boat.  GiGi (Grandma Great) came down from Michigan to celebrate this time with us and my brother's graduation from ECU with a MBA.   We enjoyed four days of relaxing on the serene coast and eating lots of Carolina grub. 

The trip ended with a party at Tatum's cousins' house in Mt. Holly.  Our niece Sophia turned 3 on May 17th, so the families came together to celebrate a royal event with a princess theme. 

Thank you Mimi and Boo and Lala A for helping us come home to celebrate!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Kitchen Wonder

Tatum's Mimi and Boo bought her a kitchen set for her 2nd birthday.  So during her nap on Mother's Day, I spent my afternoon turning this....

into this....

And she loves it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

B-boy Stance

B-boy Stance, that is what we are calling this new move by Tatum where she'll cross her arms in front of her.  There's just something about those chubby toddler arms that makes this pose adorable.  This picture was taken Mother's Day weekend as we hopped aboard a bus to grab dinner up the road.  Lot most tots I imagine, Tatum loves to identify buses shouting "BUSSSS" when one passes by.  So we treated her to a new experience of riding the bus this past weekend.